<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <td>{{ graph.get_properties.vertex }}</td>
    <td>{{ graph.get_properties.arc }}</td>
    <td>{{ graph.binary }}</td>
    <td>{% if graph.antimagic %}{{ graph.antimagic }}{% else %}---{% endif %}</td>
    <td>{% if graph.strong %}{{ graph.strong }}{% else %}---{% endif %}</td>


{% for arc in arcs %}
    {% if forloop.last and type_name == "cyklus" %}
        {% if arc.vertex_out.id > arc.vertex_in.id %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_out.label }})--{{ arc.label }}-->({{ arc.vertex_in.label }})
        {% else %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_in.label }})<--{{ arc.label }}--({{ arc.vertex_out.label }})
        {% endif %}
    {% elif forloop.last and type_name == "cesta" %}
        {% if arc.vertex_out.id > arc.vertex_in.id %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_out.label }})--{{ arc.label }}-->({{ arc.vertex_in.label }})
        {% else %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_in.label }})<--{{ arc.label }}--({{ arc.vertex_out.label }})
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        {% if arc.vertex_out.id > arc.vertex_in.id %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_in.label }})<--{{ arc.label }}--
        {% else %}
            ({{ arc.vertex_out.label }})--{{ arc.label }}-->
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for vertex in vertices %}
    {{ vertex.get_properties.in_weight }} --------
{% endfor %}
{% for vertex in vertices %}
    {{ vertex.get_properties.out_weight }} --------
{% endfor %}

    {% for arc in arcs %}
    <td>{{ arc.vertex_out.label }}</td>
    <td>{{ arc.vertex_in.label }}</td>
    <td>{{ arc.label }}</td>
{% endfor %}
    {% for vertex in vertices %}
    <td>{{ vertex.label }}</td>
      <td>{{ vertex.index }}</td>
    <td>{{ vertex.get_properties.max_degree }}</td>
    <td>{{ vertex.get_properties.out_weight }}</td>
    <td>{{ vertex.get_properties.in_weight }}</td>
{% endfor %}
