2021-02-23 18:09:19 +01:00
module github . com / cert - manager / webhook - example
2019-04-14 22:18:24 +02:00
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
go 1.19
2019-04-14 22:18:24 +02:00
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
// This is needed till a we release a version of cert-manager with https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/pull/5736
2023-01-19 17:12:34 +01:00
// The version was generated by adding replace github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager => github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager release-1.11 and running go mod tidy
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
replace github . com / cert - manager / cert - manager = > github . com / cert - manager / cert - manager v1 . 11.1 - 0.20230119150913 - 7 ebb5f515e4f
2019-04-14 22:18:24 +02:00
require (
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / cert - manager / cert - manager v1 . 11.0
github . com / miekg / dns v1 . 1.50
github . com / stretchr / testify v1 . 8.1
k8s . io / apiextensions - apiserver v0 . 26.0
k8s . io / client - go v0 . 26.0
2022-02-08 09:08:15 +01:00
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
require (
github . com / NYTimes / gziphandler v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / antlr / antlr4 / runtime / Go / antlr v1 . 4.10 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / beorn7 / perks v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
2022-07-28 17:04:37 +02:00
github . com / blang / semver / v4 v4 . 0.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / cenkalti / backoff / v4 v4 . 1.3 / / indirect
2022-07-28 01:25:43 +02:00
github . com / cespare / xxhash / v2 v2 . 1.2 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / coreos / go - semver v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / coreos / go - systemd / v22 v22 . 3.2 / / indirect
github . com / davecgh / go - spew v1 . 1.1 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / emicklei / go - restful / v3 v3 . 9.0 / / indirect
github . com / evanphx / json - patch v5 . 6.0 + incompatible / / indirect
github . com / evanphx / json - patch / v5 v5 . 6.0 / / indirect
github . com / felixge / httpsnoop v1 . 0.3 / / indirect
github . com / fsnotify / fsnotify v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
github . com / go - logr / logr v1 . 2.3 / / indirect
github . com / go - logr / stdr v1 . 2.2 / / indirect
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
github . com / go - openapi / jsonpointer v0 . 19.6 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / jsonreference v0 . 20.1 / / indirect
github . com / go - openapi / swag v0 . 22.3 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / gogo / protobuf v1 . 3.2 / / indirect
github . com / golang / groupcache v0 . 0.0 - 20210331224755 - 41 bb18bfe9da / / indirect
github . com / golang / protobuf v1 . 5.2 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / google / cel - go v0 . 12.5 / / indirect
2022-07-28 17:04:37 +02:00
github . com / google / gnostic v0 . 6.9 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / google / go - cmp v0 . 5.9 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / google / gofuzz v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
github . com / google / uuid v1 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / grpc - ecosystem / go - grpc - prometheus v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / grpc - ecosystem / grpc - gateway / v2 v2 . 7.0 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / imdario / mergo v0 . 3.12 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / inconshreveable / mousetrap v1 . 0.1 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / josharian / intern v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
github . com / json - iterator / go v1 . 1.12 / / indirect
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
github . com / mailru / easyjson v0 . 7.7 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / matttproud / golang_protobuf_extensions v1 . 0.4 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / modern - go / concurrent v0 . 0.0 - 20180306012644 - bacd9c7ef1dd / / indirect
github . com / modern - go / reflect2 v1 . 0.2 / / indirect
github . com / munnerz / goautoneg v0 . 0.0 - 20191010083416 - a7dc8b61c822 / / indirect
github . com / pkg / errors v0 . 9.1 / / indirect
github . com / pmezard / go - difflib v1 . 0.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / prometheus / client_golang v1 . 14.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / client_model v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / common v0 . 37.0 / / indirect
github . com / prometheus / procfs v0 . 8.0 / / indirect
github . com / spf13 / cobra v1 . 6.1 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
github . com / spf13 / pflag v1 . 0.5 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
github . com / stoewer / go - strcase v1 . 2.0 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / api / v3 v3 . 5.5 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / pkg / v3 v3 . 5.5 / / indirect
go . etcd . io / etcd / client / v3 v3 . 5.5 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / instrumentation / google . golang . org / grpc / otelgrpc v0 . 35.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / contrib / instrumentation / net / http / otelhttp v0 . 35.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / internal / retry v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlptrace v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / exporters / otlp / otlptrace / otlptracegrpc v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / metric v0 . 31.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / sdk v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / otel / trace v1 . 10.0 / / indirect
go . opentelemetry . io / proto / otlp v0 . 19.0 / / indirect
go . uber . org / atomic v1 . 9.0 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
go . uber . org / multierr v1 . 6.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
go . uber . org / zap v1 . 24.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / crypto v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / mod v0 . 7.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / net v0 . 5.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / oauth2 v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / sync v0 . 1.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / sys v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / term v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / text v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / time v0 . 3.0 / / indirect
golang . org / x / tools v0 . 4.0 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
google . golang . org / appengine v1 . 6.7 / / indirect
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
google . golang . org / genproto v0 . 0.0 - 20221227171554 - f9683d7f8bef / / indirect
google . golang . org / grpc v1 . 51.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
google . golang . org / protobuf v1 . 28.1 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
gopkg . in / inf . v0 v0 . 9.1 / / indirect
gopkg . in / natefinch / lumberjack . v2 v2 . 0.0 / / indirect
gopkg . in / yaml . v2 v2 . 4.0 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
gopkg . in / yaml . v3 v3 . 0.1 / / indirect
k8s . io / api v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
k8s . io / apimachinery v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
k8s . io / apiserver v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
k8s . io / component - base v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
k8s . io / klog / v2 v2 . 80.1 / / indirect
k8s . io / kms v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
k8s . io / kube - aggregator v0 . 26.0 / / indirect
2023-01-19 17:06:03 +01:00
k8s . io / kube - openapi v0 . 0.0 - 20230109183929 - 3758 b55a6596 / / indirect
2023-01-18 14:01:24 +01:00
k8s . io / utils v0 . 0.0 - 20221128185143 - 99 ec85e7a448 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / apiserver - network - proxy / konnectivity - client v0 . 0.33 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / controller - runtime v0 . 14.1 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / gateway - api v0 . 6.0 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / json v0 . 0.0 - 20220713155537 - f223a00ba0e2 / / indirect
sigs . k8s . io / structured - merge - diff / v4 v4 . 2.3 / / indirect
2022-02-08 10:10:40 +01:00
sigs . k8s . io / yaml v1 . 3.0 / / indirect