# secret-santa ``` Santa or satan? πŸŽ…πŸΏπŸ‘Ή ``` This is a simple but very over-engineered secret santa manager web application written in go Why? Because I can. And because I wanted to learn how to write a web application in go. ## Features - [x] Web server is up and running - [x] Basic API routes - [x] Database migrations (only for sqlite) - [x] Configurable database connection - [ ] Automatic database migrations (will be probably only supported for Docker deployments or with a guide) - [ ] Tests - [ ] Frontend using templates - [ ] Authentication middleware - [ ] Nix flake docker image build ## Used technologies - [Go](https://go.dev/) - [SQLc](https://sqlc.dev/) - [SQL-Migrate](https://github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate)