# KropCloud This is a Organization for my infra related config and other files ## Repositories - Configuration files of my VMs - [machines-config](https://git.katuwoss.dev/KropCloud/machines-config) - Core services for working clusters - [gitops](https://git.katuwoss.dev/KropCloud/gitops) - Services to run in the cluster - [services](https://git.katuwoss.dev/KropCloud/services) - Probably will be deleted - [infra](https://git.katuwoss.dev/KropCloud/infra) - My infrastructure documentation - [docs](https://git.katuwoss.dev/KropCloud/docs) ## Technologies used - Proxmox Virtual Environment - k3s ## k3s - MetalLB for load balancing - Nginx-Ingress - Proxmox-csi-plugin for PVC provisioning - ArgoCD - Pihole for Internal DNS